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Chicken Soup

Chicken breast, celery, carrot,


Tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, red beans, croutons


Pork Soup

Tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, red beans, croutons

Main courses

Pork Chops

Pork chops, olive oil, focaccia

Turkey Breast

Turkey breast, olive oil, focaccia

Tagliatta di Manzo

Beef fillet, rosemary, sage, rucola, cucumbers, cream, parmesan, foccacia

Deboned Chicken Wings

Deboned chicken wings, olive oil, focaccia

Beef Fillet

Beef fillet, olive oil, rucola, parmesan, focaccia

Chicken breast

Chicken breast, olive oil, focaccia



Mascarpone & chocolate

Vanilla Cheesecake

Strawberry compote, proper honeycomb & baby basil

Chocolate Brownie

Chocolate sauce, salted caramel gelato & caramelised popcorn

Chocolate Praline Pudding

Vanilla gelato & praline

Customers success stories

Learn how they used technology hub

Each element intentionally can be added, moved to view the order number, items ordered without having to leave the user message.

Mariana Lima


We now have a fully integrated and mobile solution to engaging with our customers in realtime to obtain amazing customer support.

George Phan


We are able to view the customer's order number, items ordered and order history - without ever having to leave the customer's message.

Kevin Muller


It has made response time faster and information exchange shorter, which makes all of our employees and customers very very happy!

Sandra Boom

Meet our dedicated

Showcase Team

Nick Darrow


Passionate for coding, I enjoy designing complex systems that are easy to use. I'm the one who makes sure the code is clean, the development is on the right track, the team efficiency is high and the customers are happy.

Sara Jacobs


I started out a few years ago drawing vector illustrations. Now, I’m exploring new fields looking for original design solutions. I also check the trends making sure we deliver the latest user interface technology in our products.

Steve Autran


Passionate for travelling, I love helping people discover efficient solutions to their problems. I strongly believe that listening to our customers is the best way to improve our products.

Nichole Bradley


My inspiration comes from modern architecture and experimental design. I love creating unique templates and graphic layouts, to provide our community an amazing visual experience and an intuitive user interface.

Mike Perry


Hiking, running and strategy games, I like them all. Spending most of the time playing with scripts and codes, I develop and test new features. Between tasks I’m delighted to go back to my first love - support - and give a helping hand to our clients.

Brian Braunlow


Passionate for gaming, I love to give you a helping hand. I have worked with customers in the past and I face every request like a new challenge to bring my skills to a new level.